The drug law in Tunisia

As it is, Tunisia has a strict drug law that is considered one of the toughest in North Africa. The primary legal resource for information on cannabis in Tunisia is the Tunisian Penal Code, which outlines the specific laws and penalties associated with the possession, sale, and cultivation of the drug.

The Ministry of Interior and the National Guard are the primary law enforcement agencies responsible for enforcing these laws, often working in conjunction with local police forces.

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Medical CBD in Tunisia

In Tunisia, even medical CBD is prohibited. Despite the increasing global recognition of cannabis for medicinal purposes, the Tunisian government has not indicated any intention to reconsider its position on this matter.

Traveling with CBD in Tunisia

To date, Tunisian officials have not demonstrated any inclination towards differentiating between THC and CBD, nor have they shown any plans to ease regulations concerning CBD. Consequently, it is wise to avoid bringing or trying to purchase CBD products when visiting Tunisia.

The consequences for violations

Penalties for possession, use, or trafficking of illegal drugs are severe. Those convicted of these offenses are subject to heavy fines and prison sentences of up to life.


There is no explicit distinction between CBD and THC in Tunisia. Therefore, all products derived from cannabis are illegal. Even medical CBD is prohibited, and the Tunisian government is not showing signs that it is going to reconsider its stance. Violators would have to pay hefty fines or face imprisonment when convicted.

If you are traveling, do not risk bringing it CBD or buying it from Tunisia if you do not want complications with the law.



This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. Laws regarding CBD oil are subject to change and may vary.